
Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

mr kangaroo :)

this is me with mr kangaroo hahaa 
he like jump *u knw lah   
i want jump with him wowww so high,his tail like a mouse tail (mouse is soo jijikk haha)  
his fur like a dolll, i think i want brought it home haha *just dream   
and i want always there with mr kangaroo, play togerher (can't imagine because it is impossible)  
i want go there again :)  

miss sixth grade

dulu wktu kls 6,gue n temen2 suka bgt kumpul..
gue kangen sm mereka tp ada beberapa anak yaa aga gejengkelin sih
biasanya pulang sekola sukaaa bener bareng icha,michelle n banyak lg ke jembatan haha lumayan seru lah...
dan yg paling ngangenin adlh bagian lomba renang ohmaygat gabakal bisa lupa gue! brng vega,jce n sasha haha
stiap siang latihan lari 20/10 keliling, push up, banyak bgt 
hemm.. yg paling asik adlh jrengjreng  jatoh dari becak! haha masih inget gue smpe sekarang! gabakal gue lupain penganlaman yg kocak! :)
one more dulu kalo pelajarang olahraga dengan gampangnya gue dpt nilai 90an haha TANPA BERSUSAH PAYAH! haha cmn gara-gara lomba renang doang dpt nilai bgus hihi
now i feel wants to repeat the time with them! :D
but i knw its impossible
i miss u guys and reallyreally miss u

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

baby beatrice

my nephew first birthday!
i really love this time.she and her mom, their birthday only one day difference
now she can talk a lot like her granma haha (oma noni)
and she walk very fastt n she's veryvery smart 
i reallyreally love her :)
everyday she can make me happy when i get bored,sad,and angry :D
i hope she can stay here until I was 17 *just hope :)

boring time! :)

this is it at rks,me and my cousin so boredd! 
seharian kita foto-foto sampe keabisa gaya! haha its so funny 
but we waste a lot of  time for a day
and it was very fast time goes and im still happy with my bored time ! :)